
As Vice President of Strategic Insight at a full-service market research firm, Kitty COOK ' 89设计, 管理, and executes custom research projects for a variety of clients and major brands. From working on Former President Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign to teaming up with 哈莱姆环球旅行者队, Kitty continuously works to streamline and improve processes and productivity for her clients. 庆祝她今年30岁的同学会, 凯蒂分享了更多关于她毕业后的道路, 她的职业生涯, 以及她在澳门新葡新京官方的时光.
战略洞察问题副总裁 & 答案网络公司.
B.A. 巴克内尔大学人类学

I always had a great love of mathematics, but was also very interested in social sciences. My degree in anthropology opened a whole new world to me. I wanted to try to find a way to mold both of my strengths and interests, so I met with a career counselor and she suggested that I look into market research. I sent out resumes to every market research company in Pittsburgh, landed my first job for Clark & Associates in East Liberty, and that was the beginning of my 25+ year career. 

My industry has changed drastically since I first began. 技术 has both helped and hindered the market research industry. I like the pure scientific approach to data collection that one could do prior to cell phones and email and spam blockers, 等. Now, I’ve had to grow and accept non-scientific approaches to data collection and analysis.  

How do you influence and create positive change in the workplace?
As a manager, leader, and a mom, I like to take an active role in my team’s professional growth.  You are not going to work just one job or at just one place in your career. 我总是希望我的团队永远留下来, but I also want to make sure they are learning every day and developing skills that will take them even further in their next job. I think it's important to invest in each team member personally and be there to support their professional development.

What is a project or accomplishment that you consider to be the most significant in your career?
I’ve had the opportunity to work on two presidential campaigns and with over 100 candidates for public office from mayors to governors. Working on the 2008 Obama campaign was one of the most challenging and fascinating experiences of my career. The primary pollster split the country into ten parts and each consultant had five states. The team I was working on had three states that were clearly not in contention and two that were highly unknown. We polled in those two states every week for 10 weeks straight. 那是深夜和长时间的工作. Making sure the methodology was followed precisely and every question asked according to all criteria and laws. 当选举之夜来临时, I was waiting for all the results and watching each state come in and the tide turning from Obama winning to McCain winning. 但我知道我的结果是准确的, and I knew that when they announced the states I had become so intimately involved with that Obama was going to win. 作为顾问,我不偏袒任何一方. 我不讨论我自己的政见. But it is very exciting when you work on a campaign and your data matches the live results.

各种. 我从来不知道我的下一个项目是什么. I have worked on projects from product labeling to television news viewership studies. 我的客户包括通用汽车这样的大品牌, 哈莱姆环球旅行者队, 默克公司, 好事达保险, 以及世界自然基金会. I’ve had the opportunity to work with small towns on community development to major women’s rights issues in foreign countries.

你的工作或职业必须是你喜欢的. You spend more hours working than you do with your family. 你为工作所做的一切必须养活你,培养你. If you are not getting fulfillment from your work life, it is time to move on.

When do you feel empowered and how do you empower other women in your life?
当我用自己的声音做好事时,我感到自己被赋予了力量. 语言是强大的. 你所说的一切都会影响到别人. 确保这种影响是积极的. I think it's important to be a role model to other women. 向其他女性学习也很重要. I learn from my daughter and her friends all of the time. The younger generations have a much more empowered worldview than my generation. It's vital to continue building in that direction and make sure no one in my generation slows down the progress.

For Ellis students reading this: is there any wisdom you’d want to pass on to them? 你想让他们知道什么?
做你觉得最好的事. 不要让任何人告诉你什么是对或错. Only you know your true potential and what gives your pure happiness. 追随自己的梦想,不要让别人替你梦想.  

What do you think are the advantages to Ellis’ 女孩子们的环境?
我对这个人了解了很多, 同事, and parent that I wanted to be from my experience at Ellis. 如何变得强壮,凶猛,受人尊敬. 如何确保我的声音以积极的方式被听到.

We often talk about girls developing their voice at Ellis, what does that mean to you? 你如何使用你的声音?
你可以穿自己的风格. 你的言谈举止可以表明你的态度. 但是,你的声音就是你的力量. Words show your intellect, your sense of humor, your heart and compassion. 每次讲话都要深思熟虑. Your circle of friends and family and peers are listening to you. 一定要让它有意义.

同样重要的是倾听技巧.  当别人说话的时候,你应该倾听. Do not spend your ‘listening’ time coming up with what you are going to say in response. 你只能通过积极倾听来学习. 

空闲时间或计划外的时间很重要. 我在水边度过我的空闲时间. I am so lucky to live by the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. 我喜欢海滩的宁静. 钓鱼,游泳,沿着海岸散步. You need to have time for personal reflection and the water is such a powerful source of energy and strength.